A Lapras decied to go in another country beacuse he didnt like the one that he left. The whole trip was too big and tiring. One day he decided to sleep. After a while a female
Lapras saw him and she woke up him. They greet each other and the female Lapras decied to go with the male Lapras. After some days a big earthquake hit the pokemon world. The Lapras managed to
survive. Something incredible happened. The earthquake made a new big kingdom of ice and water, the perfect place for Lapras to live. They decided to saty in that beautiful place. They got
married and they had many babies Lapras. Then many humans decided to go and live in that place. When the male Lapras died, they build a statue. which looked like the male Lapras, to protect their
country. The female Lapras decided with the humans and the many Laprs to name their country Lapralandia and their capital Icelapriand. In our days, Lapralandia is a very good country to live, The
Lapras and the humans that live there are praising the male and female Lapras for founding them a very nice place to live.