70% of citizens are humans and 30% are Pokemons. From them, only 10% are Abras. 89% of citizens are Abriotsians. The rest of the people are immigrants mainly from the neighbouring countries like Jolta, Craw Kingdom, Drank Kingdom, Caterpiepielania and Weedletown.

Abriotsu has a quite strong economy but it needs some improvements. It has very high life-standards and a quite high GDP. It produces much products like onions, cotton, chickens, chocolate, iron, goats, milk and much more. It's in the top 10 countries that produce olives, cheese, peaches, cherries, strawberries etc. In addition, they have the first place of watermelon and mango production. Despite this, their GDP is affected mainly of tourism, 40% to be exact.

Tourism and Climate
Abriotsu is one of the southests countries, but for some unexplained reasons it has suprisingly high temperatures. That raise the country's tourism pretty much. The ancient history and landmarks, and the awsome nature make this country one of the top summer destinations, especially the Islands of Hope! The southerns countries prefer Abriotsu to spend their holidays since it has higher temperatures than those. Sometimes, there might be even 40°C, which is one of the main climate problems of the country. The tourism section is about to get increased even more in the next decade.

Abriotsu is an average to small country. That led to the Road Network not to be developed before 1990. It's still in progress. But Abriotsu is famous for their Metro System! Abriotsians loved the railways from the start, so it's normal why Metro was developed so much. Unlike the other countries, there is a whole system for all the state, not independed systems for each city. That led of course stations to have big distance from each other but this didn't affect Abriotsians at all. Counting that there are no buses, but only small Networks of Trolley and Tram, the Metro HAD to be so developed so the people's transportation could be as easy as possible. There is a Tram Network in Robin and Trolley Networks in the biggest cities like Robin, Sakoula and Abraville.

Islands of Hope
In the southern part of the nation, there are several islands, more than 100, but only 20 are inhabitated. These are called Islands of Hope and they are the reason why the tourism of Abriotsu is so big. They are famous for the beautiful tropical-like beaches and the clean crystallised waters. There have been a dispute with the neighbouring countries but it was solved diplomatically.

Capital Robin
Population 35,000,000
Pokemon Pop. 15,000,000
Currency Themi
National Day 2nd October
Broadcaster ARTP
Nº Of Gyms